Patients in need of a calm and private environment are welcomed in the Clinical and Sleep Research Platform when they come to Campus Biotech to take part in research trials. For this purpose, the platform is equipped to monitor clinically ambulatory patients. Rooms are dedicated to perform neuropsychological interviews and a battery of neurogical, -psychological tests frequently used is available for children and adults. Finally, a nurse/TSM technician is present on site for medical assistance if needed.
A second major axis of the platform is enabling research on sleep. We spend the third part of our life to sleep and sleep plays a fundamental role in brain functioning, like memory consolidation or emotions regulation. The platform contains two rooms each fitted with a comfortable bed. Its proximity to the other platforms, particularly MRI, is a considerable benefit and makes it possible to construct multidisciplinary research protocols where brain function can be measured using MRI before, during and after a night’s sleep.
The platform also offers a Biomarkers service, that can :
- ADVISE researchers & DESIGN experimental protocols in genetics and biomarkers,
- MANAGE dataflow and financial aspects: get quotes and establish links between existing local services
- PREPARE and ANALYSE collected samples at Campus Biotech
- INTERPRET and DISCUSS the obtained results with researchers together with multimodal integration of other measures (fMRI, EEG, NIRS, TMS).

Sleep Research
Address :
Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva
Chemin des Mines 9, 1202 Geneva
Open hours :
Monday to Friday, 8 am – 6:30 pm
Please contact us for specific inquiries, project applications or additional information on the platform.